The Python Collections module is OVERPOWERED

The Python Collections module is OVERPOWERED
Photo by Fredy Jacob / Unsplash

Python's built-in collections module provides a powerful set of data structures that can help you solve many common programming problems more efficiently. In this article, we will explore some of the most useful data structures in the collections module, and how you can use them in your Python code.


The Counter class is a dictionary subclass that allows you to count the occurrences of elements in an iterable. You can create a Counter object by passing an iterable as an argument to the constructor.

In this example, we create a Counter object to count the number of occurrences of each fruit in the fruits list.


The defaultdict class is a dictionary subclass that allows you to specify a default value for missing keys. You can create a defaultdict object by passing a default factory function as an argument to the constructor.

In this example, we create a defaultdic object to group words in the words list by their length.


The deque class is a double-ended queue that allows you to efficiently append and pop items from both ends of the queue. You can create a deque object by passing an iterable as an argument to the constructor.

In this example, we create a deque object to store a sequence of numbers, and add a new number to the left and right ends of the queue using the appendleft and append methods.


The namedtuple class is a factory function that allows you to create tuple subclasses with named fields. You can create a namedtuple class by passing a name and a list of field names as arguments to the factory function. The return type of namedtuple is a new subclass of tuple with named fields.

In this example, we create a namedtuple class called Person with three fields: name, age, and gender. The field types are specified using the Tuple type hint. We then create two instances of the Person class and access their fields using dot notation.


OrderedDict is a dictionary subclass that remembers the order in which items were inserted. When you iterate over an OrderedDict, the items are returned in the order in which they were added.

In this example, we create an OrderedDict called scores with three key-value pairs. We can access the items by key using standard dictionary notation. When we iterate over the scores dictionary, the items are returned in the order in which they were added. We can also reverse the order of iteration by using the reversed function. Finally, we can convert the OrderedDict to a regular dictionary using the dict constructor.


The collections module in Python provides several useful data structures that can make your code more efficient and readable. In this article, we covered some of the most commonly used data structures in the module, including deque, defaultdict, Counter, namedtuple, and OrderedDict. We also included examples that demonstrate how to use type hints with these data structures to improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

By using these data structures, you can write more efficient and expressive code that is easier to read and maintain. Whether you are working on a small project or a large-scale application, the collections module can help you write more effective Python code.